Monday, November 28, 2011

UFO Disclosure and Awakening Already Underway

For better or for worse the American public is being made aware of the real possibility that UFO's exist.  It's happening in the media all the time.

The reason for this is that disclosure is already taking place and these videos are designed to start preparing everyone for it once it comes from undeniable sources. As you will notice, the media is beginning to interview "credible" professionals that state very well known information in Ufology. Information that has been ridiculed in the media and mainstream science since the 1950's.

This disclosure is happening now in order to desensitize the public to it as a concept. This is very similar to way that homosexuality, which was once a very taboo subject has become accepted in the public eye. Homosexuality was ridiculed and looked down upon by many because the proper values they were raised on did not include such "unorthodox" ideas. Then we started to get used to the idea that we are a changing society. That not everyone had the same sexual orientation but they were still people that deserved the right to be free and open about their lives. To live without being ridiculed or looked down upon or discriminated against. For them it became time to stop feeling ashamed or living a secret life. The whole concept of being homosexual opened up and gained mainstream acceptance. Today homosexuality is not looked upon with the same eyes at all. Instead it's in the final stages of mainstream acceptance, with such examples as states allowing same sex marriages and prime time television utilizing homosexual characters and themes.

This same process is now happening with the mainstream awareness of the existence of UFO's and contact with extra terrestrials. Governments and mainstream media outfits are racing against time because sooner than later we're going to be presented with undeniable proof. These entities don't want to get caught with their proverbial pants down when the cat is out of the bag but they can only get this information pumped out to the public so quickly - at least without creating too much public tension. This proof could come in the form of a formal visit, alien invasion or more likely through the release of above top secret documents. I theorize that this information is already in the hands of an organization that will eventually disclose it much the same way that Wikileaks has already disclosed secret documents under cablegate. It seems however that they're waiting impatiently for the time to be right. If it's released before we're ready then there could be mass hysteria and confusion. But if we're fairly prepared mentally it will be much easier to accept and deal with. This evidence disclosure could happen within the next 2 -3 years as more and more sightings occur and more credible witnesses come forth.

So we'll continue to see these types of news clips, shows on Discovery Channel, History Channel as part of the disclosure and awareness process. Specials documentaries like "The Thrive Movement" ( , and other shows on, YouTube and more. The most clever part of this process (and it is a process) is that most of the shows encourage the viewer to use their own intelligence to decide about the legitimacy of the claims even though the evidence is presented strongly.

So if it's that simple, why not just say "well they exist, here they are" you may ask. Imagine the far reaching implications of the terror attacks on 9/11. On that day none of us could have seen how much the world would have changed today. We can't even begin to imagine what conclusions will be made once the information is known. New conclusions based on other conclusions very quickly grows exponentially beyond comprehension at our current state of awareness. For example, many in the UFO circles believe that Free Energy exists and that we have potential to create devices that run on it. But I wonder do these same many realize that the far reaching implications of free energy? Free energy when applied to a weapon could  mean that you have an unlimited energy weapon. It could be possible to create a "free energy bomb" that could destroy the whole Earth,  the galaxy or even the universe? We just can't see the far reaching implications. Much in the same way we couldn't see how the invention of the internet many years ago could eventually lead to operation "Arab Spring" and bring down tyrannical governments around the world. Somewhere in between we invented email and AOL, AIM and Facebook, Twitter and text messaging. All small steps along the way in the  proliferation of progress.

In my opinion that's the reason for all the secrecy over the past 70 years. This fortunately - or unfortunately (depending on how you look at it) time is drawing near where we'll have to put on a new set of glasses and start looking towards a whole new set of possibilities and implications. As more and more high quality cameras end up in the hands of the many and as social networks pass the one billion connected mark, our progression towards a fully aware society will gain more and more speed. We're on a train bound headlong into a dark tunnel - that when it emerges could be in a future that is more intense than any science fiction movie or book could have ever imagined.  Ready or not here we go!

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